What Is God Like? God Is A Healer

One from many songs from Hillsong which touching my heart is "Healer". I know maybe, now, I'm really feeling bad in my life, there are so many problem right know. Deep in my heart, "I'am thingking 'has the healing ended yet? Through in my life?"
"I'm confuse Lord"
"I'm not in good condition Lord"
"I need you Lord" 

But this  morning, when I pray to God, I feel He said something to me. He said I can pass all the problem if I believe in Him with my whole Life and do what He said. And I will receive His promises fullfilled in my life. 

I know that God is willing and able to heal our sicknesses and pains, if we surender in Him. 
I believe the storm will be soon over
I believe the rain will go away
I believe that I can make it through it 
I believe that I will survive 

Back to Healer Song from Hillsong, I was really blessed with this song. One the best song from Hillsong I think. This song told that we must believe that God is the healer, God is our Portion and God is we are all need. 
This is the lyrics ^_^

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease

I trust in you
I trust in you

I believe, You're my healer
I believe, You are all i need
I believe, You're my portion
I believe,You're more than enough for me
Jesus, you're all i need

Nothing is impossible for you
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for you
You hold my world in your hands 

We can search this song in "prof google" if we wanna listen this song :D 
Hope All of we blessed too. 
God bless Us My Friend

Philip Morris’s? Troubles?

Utilitarianism refers to an action that can be said good if brings benefit for many people or in another term as a “the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers”. Related to the definition, Philip Morris give so much advantages as contribution and makes a positive economic to a state’s economy, such as give a huge tax to government, reduce unemployment by open jobs for people particularly to the domestic people, and contribute in devisa from export to the third world countries.
           As the right to business, Philip Morris have a right to be involved in business as long as not to break people right (
for example not implemented monopoly market, not obeying the goverment regulations and make an effort to close the people’s chance to open business too). As a justice, established the food company from result of selling beer and cigarette profit is still can be right even though there are also have negative assumption that this way as a “money laundry”. Social responsibility that Philip Morris did is to paid taxes as compensation to smokers, but in case there is no actually real corporate social responsibility that company did to the environment.
Virtue is good morale quality in character. In our syndicate opinion, Tobacco and the beer industries have been characterized as “sin industry”, because they make many people get sick and die, and then smoking cause has harm effect and can reduce productivity that will effect to economic condition in one country. To cover this condition, government will pay some health care expenses. But in the other hand, tobacco and the beer industries get much profit. Then they laundry their “dirty money” to buy up clean food business, in effect protecting these funds from any potential liability that might strike its tobacco business. We think it is very bad when we deceive others, we make them suffer to take some dirty profit and then a country become unproductive and we admitted that we take care them, but the truth is not. When the economy condition become so bad, instead that company have some fun at our misery. They don’t have any morale.
        Government through Federal Drug Administration (FDA) concern with this issue because this activity very related to the government effort to collect tax and reduce unemployment. In other hand, the government also must concern to public health about addictive content in cigarette and educated people about the danger of smoking cause effect. But still, there is always produce debate regarding to the cigarette company because some people may argue this business is wrong way (especially who concern in health issues) but in another side, people who take a look deeply particularly who concern in business because this business effort can be contribute benefit to the country.

Kembalilah Pagi yang Indah

Hembusan angin pagi mengawali perjalanan panjang kehidupan
Terasa tetesan embun yang masih membasahi dedaunan
Keheningan yang mungkin tidak setiap saat bisa dirasakan
Air mata pun jatuh satu per satu ketika mengingat semua yang terjadi
Banyak hal yang sampai saat ini tidak bisa kupahami
Tuhan ajarku mengerti rencanaMu dalam hidupku ini
  Ku ingin angin itu berhembus dalam jiwaku
  Ku ingin musik itu kembali dalam hidupku
  Ku ingin embun pagi membasahi jiwaku
  Ku ingin badai itu berlalu dalam hidupku

Saat pagi hari ku hanya ingin menghabiskan waktuku bersamaMu
Memulai hari bersamaMu, mengetuk pintu hatiMu
Tidak ada yang seperti Engkau dalam hidupku
Karena aku percaya, janjiMu nyata di dalam hidupku
                    Terima kasih buat setiap hal yang Kau berikan
                    Terima kasih memberikan aku kesempatan
                    KasihMu tidak akan pernah kusia-siakan 
Jiwaku tenang ketika ku memulai pagi dengan benar
Dan aku merindukan setiap aku memulai hari,
Aku memulai dengan hal yang benar bersamaMU


Lesson Of Life

"Before you Assume, Know the Facts

"Before you Judge, Understand Why

"Before you Hurt Someone, Feel

"Before you Decided Something, Care"

"Before you Speak, Think"